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Our Services

Access Hubs

There are five Enhanced Access Hubs in Merton that allow your practice to book into them when an appointment isn’t available with your own GP. Our access hubs operate during evenings, 5pm to 8pm, Monday to Friday and on the weekend, Saturday, 8am to 8pm and Sundays in the East of the borough, 8am to 8pm.

Our GP access hubs are located at the following practices:

We would greatly appreciate your feedback on your experience at the Access Hub. If you could take a moment to share your thoughts—either for yourself as the patient or on behalf of the patient—it would be extremely valuable. All responses are voluntary and will remain confidential.

Please click the link to provide your feedback.

Cervical Smears

We provide additional clinics for cervical screening/smear tests in hubs across Merton.

Appointment are available in the evening and at the weekend, in venues around the borough with good transport links; to try and make it easier for women to participating in this screening program.

You will be contacted about a smear through your GP practice.

Care Homes LIS

We support proactive care for care home residents in nursing and residential homes for older people who are located in Merton.

Merton patients with complex needs require an integrated multidisciplinary response that involves a range of professionals, including from primary, community and social care.

Work is underway in Merton to develop Integrated Neighbourhood Teams (INTs) which provide a population based, area specific, integrated health and social care response and offer person-centred care to the adult population based on their assessed needs. Merton Integrated Locality Teams will deliver a seamless service that is personalised, coordinated, and outcome focused and is delivered in, or close to, patients’ homes.

Diabetes LIS

Merton Practices aim to coordinate collaboration and partnership working between primary, community and acute providers in the delivery of local diabetes services. The respective Federations in Merton & Wandsworth are commissioned to deliver enhanced primary care diabetes through practices and PCNs and work alongside individual GP practices to deliver the service to their registered population.  This will ensure that all GP Practices have access to the expertise and support to achieve improvements in the delivery of high- quality care for patients with, or at risk of, diabetes.

As an expected outcome, this will include more integrated and sustainable diabetes services which focus on prevention and holistic care, (including; physical and mental health services, and appropriately signposting patients to; education, self-care and social prescribing services). 

General Nursing

We also offer additional capacity to support your practice to provide services such as:

  • Childhood immunisations
  • Injections
  • Vaccinations such as COVID and Shingles.
  • Wound care

Consultations are by appointment only, booked via your GP practice.

Health Checks

Merton Health delivers NHS health checks on behalf of the London borough of Merton. Invites are sent by the GP practice you are registered at as a patient every 5 years providing you are eligible.

Funding for NHS Health checks is limited. Therefore, patients prioritised and diagnosed are based on several risk factors. Consequently, some patients may not be called by their GP practice as often as every 5 years, which is due to your clinical risk being lower than average.

Health checks are designed to identify people between 40-74 who are at risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease or stroke. People over the age of 65 will also be advised about the symptoms of Dementia and how to look after your mind and body.

If you have been notified that you are invited for an NHS health check, please contact your practice directly to request and book an appointment.

If you have not been invited for a NHS health check, please do wait for your invitation which are sent via SMS and letter.

In 2024/2025, our practices delivered over 3000 NHS health checks, which supports diverse ethnic populations, reduce health inequalities, population health outcomes and the growing annual eligible population located in Merton.

For more information, please visit the NHS health check website or view the pros and cons of the NHS health check.

We would love to hear any feedback you have. You can give feedback by completing our patient feedback form (PDF) 

Integrated Neighbourhood Teams (INTs)

Integrated Neighbourhood Teams are multi-disciplinary teams from different organisations across health and care services. They bring together people working in physical and mental health and social care to provide more joined up preventative care at a neighbourhood level. The teams work with General Practice within a small area to provide more local opportunities for people to receive care. The members of the local health and social care services referred to as the Integrated Neighbourhood Team can include GPs, Practice Nurses, Nursing & Therapy services, Social Workers, Access to Mental Health Practitioner, Intensive Home Support Services, Social Prescribers, Clinical Case Management Lead & Coordinator Support.

LARC Pilot

Long acting reversible contraceptives (LARC) are highly effective forms of contraception that include contraceptive injections, contraceptive implants (SDI), intrauterine devices (IUD) and intrauterine systems (IUS). Availability of these methods form an important part of contraceptive choice and contributes to the health and wellbeing of sexually active individuals and the wider population.

The contraceptive implant is a progestogen-only device which is inserted sub-dermally and acts by inhibiting ovulation. It is a highly effective contraceptive over a long period of time. It has the lowest failure rate of all reversible and irreversible methods of contraception in everyday use.

In Merton, the following 9 practices provide LARC in the form of contraceptive implants, intrauterine devices and intrauterine systems:

  • – Central Medical Centre
  • – Cricket Green Medical Practice
  • – Grand Drive Surgery
  • – Lambton Road Medical Practice
  • – Nelson Medical Practice
  • – Stonecot Surgery
  • – Tamworth House Medical Practice
  • – Wimbledon Medical Practice
  • – Wimbledon Village Surgery

Feedback for this service can be given here.

Merton Chronic Kidney Disease Pilot Project

This service aims to offer support via two Primary Care Networks (including eight practices) located across East Merton PCN and Morden PCN, to increase the detection of patients at risk of developing CKD, and to support treatment targets to ensure all eligible people are prescribed medication in accordance with NICE guidance e.g. RASI, ACE, ARBs and SGLT2i.

We support patients with possible CKDG1/2 /3/4/5 for coding or further investigation; complete u ACR; Medical Management Optimisation; and Identify patients on the registers who are eligible for SGLT2i treatment and offer treatment in accordance with NICE Guidelines.

Merton Flexible Workforce Bank

A partnership between Merton Health and RotaMaster is in place for the delivery of a shared flexible resource pool.

The partnership sees the shared talent resource pool rolled out across Merton borough which oversees the management of more than 1,200 staff, across various roles including ANPs, GPs, Nurses, Doctors, Admins, HCAs, Receptionists and Management.

RotaMaster’s workforce management technology will help increase collaboration across the region by enabling the Alliance to create its own segmented workforce pools and release shifts to a wider collaborative bank. Crucially, this means that staff will have more choice over how and where they wish to work – reducing rota gaps, improving staff engagement, and reducing reliance on external agencies.

For more information, please email

Primary Care At Scale

A partnership between Merton Connected and Merton Health is in development, which aims to improve collaboration between these organisations. This is to support PCNs, which aim to bring together multi-disciplinary teams to support first-contact with the patient, which will include pharmacists, physiotherapists and the new role of social prescriber.

Delivering across a larger footprint can produce economies of scale, releasing resources to be used for front-line patient care. Rationalising and sharing back office could produce savings and mean fewer GP hours spent on non-clinical work. Managing them differently could also create more professional and resilient support services and enable better use of the primary care estate.

QSE – Practice Support Team

Work is ongoing to ensure Merton practices have access and support to a suite of offers to enhance efficiencies and improve service operations. The vision for Merton is to develop a wider scope of offers as part of a General Practice Resilience Programme from April 2025 an onwards.

Respiratory Hubs

There are 3 hub sites located in Merton, which offer spirometry and FeNo testing on weekdays and weekends with morning and evening clinics available. There was over 300 patient feedback surveys completed to date, which demonstrate over 97% of patients recommend the Diagnostic Hub to others. Patients are diagnosed and management plans developed for each practice to ensure quality assurance controls are met and opportunities for improvement identified and implemented.

Page published: 8 November 2024
Last updated: 14 February 2025